“How much does a music video cost?”
If you’re reading this page, it means you’ve reached out to me in regards to having a music video produced! I just want you to know that it means the world to me to for you to be interested in having me direct a music video for your own art. 

Pricing for video production differs from products. There’s not a single cost involved. However, pricing depends on a two main aspects-- concept & complexity.
Concept & Complexity: 
The first step in the production process is concept creation. What is the vision of the video? After the concept is created, then we can determine what's needed to make that happen. 
What lighting is needed? Do we need to rent a location? Do we need actors? Do we need to get props? Make-up artist? VFX?  Do I + a crew have to travel? ​​​​​​​
Music videos are great marketing tools for bands & artists. Therefore, they should be looked at like an investment. How much are you willing to spend, or rather, INVEST in your video? 
That being said, a lot of money isn’t always needed for a video.  If you tell me you have a budget of, let's just say, $5000 (beyond high for around the Black Hills area, never had a budget this high either lol), and your concept is simple, I’ll probably tell you, “We can make this video for $___ (lower amount).

Keep in mind that I'm an artist as well-- I want to create interesting, colorful and exciting stories for people to experience through the video. Creating or wanting a "simple" music video concept for the sake of saving money can be extremely boring & unattractive to me as a film director. I also usually prefer working with proper lighting when it serves the story better as well as a crew to help make things easier and smooth. 

For any budget size, having "hook-ups" to locations, etc. is also very helpful and can either save money, or be directed towards a different part of the production. (Ex: Your friend owns the car to be used in the video that we can use rather than getting a rental).

How is the budget distributed?
+ Project rate (Covers pre-production & post-production)
+ Director day-rate
+ Crew (If Needed)
+ Lighting & Other Rentals (If Needed)

Feel free to ask me how much certain videos cost/what their budget was for further reference.

The Process:
What is the process look like in getting a music video produced? I know that it might seem a bit overwhelming after everything I wrote above, but for you as an artist, it’s pretty simple! If you decide to move forward with me producing & directing your video:

1. What song do you want to be used for the video? 
2. The process of the creative concept can be as collaborative as possible - or hands off as possible! Do you already have a visual/story concept in mind? We can work on that together to find out the details into something final! Have no idea what you want for the visual/story and want no part of? That’s fine as well! I can always write out a storyboard and concept on my own!

4. I always like to meet with the artist (in-person or via phone call, whichever is preferred) initially to talk about the song, the concept and how the production works. Hopefully during that meeting we can set-up production dates to film the video.
Do you travel for work? 
I absolutely love traveling for work! In fact, location depending - I won't charge for travel! (Including but not limited to: California, Minnesota, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Colorado)
What else do you do in film? 
In terms of music, I love doing documentary work--such as studio documentaries. I also direct commercials & brand documentaries for 605 Media & Entertainment. 
"What if I don't want a planned music video? Can you just shoot whatever?"
The planning part of video production is very important to me - everything from the concept to the storyboard to location. From my experience, planning out videos, including in my documentary and commercial work, has always resulted in a much better quality video-- artistically and technically. Therefore, I will more than likely not produce or direct any music videos without proper planning.
Do you accept payment plans?
I do take payments! Payments are catered to each individual project and details are lined up in a contract. ​​​​​​​